Nowhere else can you handle as many mountain passes and altitude metres in one day as at the Swiss Cycling Alpenbrevet. The Platintour offers the epic mountain passes Susten, Grimsel, Nufenen, Lukmanier and Oberalp and is strictly limited to 500 participants. If you don’t feel up to this challenge, you can switch to the shorter, but no less attractive gold or silver tour. The gold tour leads over four passes and the silver tour attracts, among other things, the historic Tremola at the Gotthard.

The Platintour marks the toughest challenge on this year’s Alpenbrevet. Start and finish are in Andermatt as usual. During the crossing of Susten, Grimsel, Nufenen, Lukmanier and Oberalppass you climb with your bike just under 7,000 meters of altitude.
Entry fee: 105 CHF
The gold tour is a big challenge. Start and finish are in Andermatt as usual. During the crossing of Furka, Nufenen, Lukmanier and Oberalppass, you climb almost 5,000 metres of altitude with your bike. After four passes and a final descent from the Oberalppass, an incomparable feeling of happiness awaits you in the finish.
Entry fee: 99 CHF

The legendary Gotthard Pass awaits you on the silver tour. Start and finish are in Andermatt as usual. During the crossing of Furka, Nufenen and Gotthard you master almost 4,000 meters of altitude. After the last descent at the Gotthard you are one of the admirable finishers of the silver tour.
Entry fee: 99 CHF
The legendary Gotthard pass awaits you on the Bronzetour. Start befindet sich im Obergoms und das Ziel liegt in Andermatt. The start line is in Obergoms and you finish your ride in Andermatt. During the crossing of Nufenen and Gotthard you master 2’190 meters of altitude. After the last descent on the Gotthard, you are one of the admirable finishers of the Bronzetour.
Entry fee: 75 CHF